Sunday, November 6, 2011

Taiwan, September 2011 - Sun-Moon-Lake

Our next destination is to Sun Moon Lake (日月潭). It is still in the location of Taichung. Exact spot is at Yuchih, Nantou with an elevation of 748m above sea level. Considered the largest natural lake in Taiwan. The lake is incorporated in La Lu Island in which the northern part is shaped like a sun and the southern part is shaped like a moon. This is how the name of Sun Moon Lake originated.

Prior to that, taken our breakfast in a restaurant recommended by Jacky called 来来豆浆. The popular thing is their overcooked soy milk which tastes 'burnt' and I personally don't like much. The restaurant is available for 24 hours and above are some of the foods selling here.

Here we were - Sun Moon Lake. Morning view with moderate mist and looks like it was going to rain.

On our speed boat to another side of the lake. 

Most of the boats are imported from The US.

And Taiwan is really 'Touch Our Heart'. Looking forward to go again!

What a view!!

The stone behind is named 'fighting stone' as people used to get quarrel before they successfully take a photo with it. Haha!

Spotted a small temple.

Tea-flavored-boiled-egg (日月潭出名的阿嫲茶叶蛋). Nice but too salty. Hearsay famous is because sold by a granny, who is the only person granted permission by the previous president. No one else can sell tea-boiled-egg here except her.

On 'shore' again to another side that was heading to Taiwan Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village (九族文化村).

Photos and photos again as the views are too interesting.

Hearsay again this is the most expensive 5 stars hotel in Sun Moon Lake. The bath tab is tinted with gold and the price is at ~RM1K ++ per night. Look at the windows....u can only see through during the day but not at night time.

Gua Bao (刈包) is one of the popular snack around the area. The bread-like-thingy is sandwiched with black sauce pork and some vege as ingredients. Tastes juicy, make me drooling again....

U can taste a lot of good stuffs along the street of Taiwan Formosan Aboriginal Cultural Village. Red tea is a must-not-miss drink. I had bought it for my dad (who is very obsessed of tea) as souvenir, price is reasonably-cheap!

Went into a souvenirs shop owned by the natives. It is decorated with all kinda wild animals. Looks scary and tell u what, they are all real-preserved wildlife imported from Africa told by the shop-owner!!

Looking at this reindeer gave me an abnormal p-a-l-p-i-t-a-t-i-o-n. 

Natives' carving.

A boutique cum cafe. In my mind: 'This is so Alice-in-The-Wonderland.' Lovely!

Went to Wen Wu Miao (文武庙) which is a temple dedicated to Confucius, Kuan Gong and Yueh Fei. 

It was badly damaged by 1999 earthquake but has been restored. It is a huge complex temple colored with gorgeous red.

U can pray for riches, offspring, long life and career under Wen Wu Gods' divine power.

Wind-Bells with wishes hang on them. When the wind blow, the bells ring and your wishes are delivered to the gods.

18 degree C chocolate factory. Again is a must-go-place in Sun Moon Lake. Manufacturing varieties of chocolates with u-never-taste flavors. *Chili is one of them!!

Those are the chocolates chosen by everyone of us. The one with stars figure was chosen by me and it tastes chili (-__-''').

Free coffee for U. 

Visiting Paper Dome at night. We were given discount on ticket as it was about to close that time. :))

It glows at night. Beautiful....

The dome is made of waterproof paper. Salute to the architectural works of the building.

Travel-mates were praying hard for the frog to becomes prince and I hope their dreams come true. Hehe! ^^*

An artsy photo taken by Jacky. I named this art 'Fairy Dragonfly'.

A relaxing corridor in feel.

Happy ride with Jacky's Toyota Wish, i.e. Flying Dog 238 (飞狗 二三八).

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